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The Fast Track to REAL Results

October 08, 202420 min read

The Fast Track to REAL Results - A Conversation with Bryce Matheson

In my recent conversation with entrepreneur Bryce Matheson on "The Coaches That Don't Suck" podcast series, we dug into the journey of entrepreneurship, real estate, and, most importantly, the transformative role coaching plays in success.

Bryce's story is one of accidental discovery, growth, and embracing coaching as a game-changer.

The Entrepreneurial Accident

Bryce’s entrepreneurial journey started in 2016, when he stumbled into real estate almost by accident.

Like many of us, Bryce didn’t have a grand vision of becoming a real estate investor. His first experience was selling his home and walking away with $40,000, which sparked a realization: "I made this much money doing hardly anything—I need to do more of this." From there, he dove into buying rental properties and flipping houses, discovering that the reality of real estate was quite different from HGTV.

Fast forward to today, Bryce now runs a real estate fund, helping investors grow their portfolios with passive returns.

The Role of Coaching in Fast-Tracking Success

A significant part of Bryce’s success comes down to coaching. Though like many, Bryce initially had the “I’ll do it myself” mentality, it was only in the last couple of years that he started hiring coaches in all areas of his life—fitness, business, even golf.

"Why would you not pay somebody for their expertise to get somewhere 10 times faster?"

His experiences speak to a key point we often overlook: time is our most valuable resource, and coaching accelerates progress, helping us skip unnecessary steps and mistakes.

Coaching, as Bryce puts it, isn’t about outsourcing the work. Instead, it's a way to enhance focus and sequence your efforts effectively.

A coach offers the blueprint to navigate challenges you’d otherwise struggle with on your own.

The Criteria for a Good Coach

When asked about what makes a great coach, Bryce shared three key points:

1. Coaches Should Have Coaches:

If your coach isn't actively learning and growing, they aren't practicing what they preach. A great coach is always evolving and seeking their own mentors.

2. Results-Driven:

Does the coach have the results you want? Even better—do they have 10X the results you aspire to? A coach who has surpassed your goals can guide you to achieve much more in less time.

3. Experience Over Theory:

A coach should offer real-world experience and a proven track record in the area you’re aiming to improve.

If they haven’t walked the path themselves, they might not be the right fit for helping you blaze your trail.

Skip the Funnels, Build Relationships

Bryce also spoke candidly about the tendency to overcomplicate business. In a world where funnels, landing pages, and marketing tactics often get convoluted, Bryce’s coach once gave him blunt advice:

Stop it. There’s no need to make people jump through hoops.

Instead of complicating the process, focus on building genuine relationships. Talk to people directly, and you’ll achieve your goals faster without all the noise.

In coaching, simplicity often wins. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, and a good coach helps you find that straight line.

The Human Connection

This conversation reminded me that coaching is ultimately about relationships. It’s not just about learning new strategies—it’s about connecting with someone who’s already been where you want to go, who can offer tailored guidance, and who genuinely cares about your success.

Coaching isn’t about being “salesy” or pushing an agenda; it’s about helping others reach their potential.

As Bryce so perfectly put it,

You don't have to be a scumbag car salesman, just be a genuine human being.

The Takeaway

Whether you’re just starting your entrepreneurial journey or looking to break through to the next level, investing in coaching can be the game-changer you need.

Why stumble through trial and error when you can tap into the experience of someone who’s already been there?

At The Coaches Plaza, we believe in the power of coaching to transform lives, fast-track success, and help you overcome challenges with clarity and confidence. If you’re ready to level up, start by surrounding yourself with the right mentors who have the experience and wisdom to guide you.

And as Bryce so wisely suggests, “If you want to reach 10 doors, find someone who already has 100. They’ll help you skip the headaches and get there faster.”


To learn more about Bryce and his real estate expertise, you can follow him on Instagram at @brycematheson.

Whether you’re looking to dive into real estate investing or just want some entrepreneurial guidance, Bryce is your go-to resource for all things real estate without the clogged toilets.

Looking for more ways to elevate your business through coaching?

Join us at The Coaches Plaza, where we help you bring out your best self and achieve the impact you’re aiming for.


Listen to the full episode of our "Coaches That Don’t Suck" series for more insights from Bryce Matheson and other successful entrepreneurs.

Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review!

Title Image of Amanda Kaufman and Bryce Matheson

Show Highlights:

0:00 - Introduction to the episode and Bryce Matheson

1:11 - Bryce’s entrepreneurial journey: How a real estate “accident” turned into a business

5:17 - The turning point: Hiring a coach for personal and business growth

7:25 - How to choose the right coach: 3 key qualities to look for

9:15 - Building genuine relationships over manufactured marketing

11:45 - Why you need a coach who has 10X the results you want

18:30 - Skipping unnecessary steps and focusing on what matters most

20:15 - Final thoughts on the power of coaching and the value of mentorship

21:45 - Where to connect with Bryce Matheson

Full Transcript

The Fast Track to REAL Results - A Conversation with Bryce Matheson


AI Edits from Bryce Matheson - Coaches That Don't Suck 20 Min Slot


[00:00:00] are you here to help people or not? Do you have something that could use?

[00:00:02] Do you have value? Give it to them. And they can provide you compensation and that's it. It's a simple exchange. you don't have to be a scumbag car salesman, just be a genuine human being. That's it.

[00:00:13] [00:00:30] Mhm.

[00:00:32] Welcome back to the Kaufman show. And we are continuing our series on coaches that don't suck. I'm super excited to talk with Bryce Matheson. He is one of my entrepreneur guests and he's got a pretty awesome way that he's been found to build business. I asked Bryce before I invited him on, what role has coaching played for you?

[00:00:55] I thought this would be super useful to you listener, because if [00:01:00] you understand who is the consumer of coaching a lot better, you're going to do a lot better with your business, with your impact and everything that you're aiming to do as well. Bryce, welcome to the show.

[00:01:11] Hey, thanks for having me. I hopefully I can impart some wisdom to the audience and, help everybody else, happy to be here.

[00:01:16] So Bryce, take 30 seconds and tell us a little bit about your business. What do you do with your days? What is it that you focus on?

[00:01:24] Sure. So high level overview. we are in the real estate space. We got started back in 2016. [00:01:30] We tripped and fell into real estate.

[00:01:31] It was never like a major goal of mine or anything like that, but just I bought a house, I got married, we ended up selling that house and we walked away with about. 40, 000 when we did that. And so that was the light bulb moment for me. I made this much money doing hardly anything.

[00:01:46] I got to do some more of this. So that was like the catalyst that started it all. We bought some rentals, moved into the flipping market, which is very different from HGTV and chip and Joanna gain. So it's nothing like that. If that's what you're imagining, [00:02:00] and then we moved on.

[00:02:02] Out of the flips in the last two to three years. we started a real estate fund and now we collect money from investors and pay investorsa passive rate of return. our main focus right now is investing in projects and growing the fund. I'm happy to dive into anything, but that's the super quick elevator pitch.

[00:02:17] I love that. It's interesting because I ask people what is it that you do? And you would be so shocked how many interviews I've done where people are like it was an accident, right?

[00:02:26] Yep. And

[00:02:27] I feel like that can be a hallmark of an [00:02:30] entrepreneur is that could be interesting.

[00:02:31] And then following your nose.

[00:02:33] Absolutely.

[00:02:34] I am curious, what role has coaching played in your growth and achieving your goals over the last few years?

[00:02:42] So that's a good question because I'll be honest. I don't know that I fully appreciated how much coaching could actually change my journey.

[00:02:51] Like I think subconsciously everybody knows Oh yeah, I should get a coach or whatever. But when you're starting out. And I know it's not just me, but I feel like everybody [00:03:00] has this no, I'm going to do it myself mentality,

[00:03:02] the same way.

[00:03:03] And I still am, no, I'm going to figure this out.

[00:03:05] I'm just going to bunker down and grind and hustle it out and I'll figure it out,

[00:03:08] yeah.

[00:03:08] So honestly, I don't know that I've really focused much on coaching until the last two years. And in hindsight, I wish that I had done it. 10 years ago

[00:03:17] when you do the thing and you're like, dang it, I should have done this a decade ago.

[00:03:21] Totally. it's transformed everything. about two years ago I hired a personal trainer and no, duh. Everybody should do that. Of course. But we never do. I finally did it and surprise, [00:03:30] surprised. I lost 35 pounds and gated ton of muscle and shocker. Like you get the results that you were wanting from the get go. When that happened, I'm like, geez, I shouldn't hire a coach for every aspect of my life.

[00:03:41] So I hired a golf coach. a business coach. I hired this coach and that coach. And it's amazing. I wish I had done it sooner.

[00:03:47] That's so good. I think sometimes people feel like they have to get very isolationist in their goals. And I think some of its culture, it's like, Oh, it doesn't really count unless I'm a self made whatever.

[00:03:57] the truth is that coaching is not meant to [00:04:00] be a replacement for you doing the work. What it is it accelerates it, or it helps enhance your focus on it, or it helps you sequence the steps that matter, How many things do we put on the shed list that we start choking on, because it's like, Oh, I really should. Yes.

[00:04:14] Yes.

[00:04:14] And that can be so debilitating.

[00:04:16] Absolutely. and again, in hindsight, it's like why did I not do this sooner?

[00:04:20] everybody knows that time is the most valuable resource that we have. some of us still don't fully grasp that. why would you not pay somebody for their expertise to [00:04:30] get somewhere 10 times faster? If somebody came to me and said, Hey, how do I get started in real estate?

[00:04:35] I could give you a whole blueprint to get exactly where I am. 10 times faster, Yes. That is a thousand percent the power of it. I met Bryce because we both believe in the power of coaching and we happened to enroll in a program and I'm really glad that I did enroll in this program where there's a huge diversity of different types of business owners.

[00:04:55] we're all united in the sense that we want to do a really good job. [00:05:00] We want to change the world with what we're doing. We want to we want to be appealing and attractive to the right person to work with us. even though what Bryce is doing is quite different than what I am doing I think one of the things that is really interesting sometimes in is that you can.

[00:05:15] You can find yourself in these communities or in these places that you might not have gone to if you were just looking for information on its own. So Bryce you've obviously gotten into becoming a consumer of coaching in so many different dimensions of your life.

[00:05:29] What is [00:05:30] it that you look for when you're hiring a coach? What are three things that makes a coach not suck?

[00:05:36] I love it. So first and foremost, if your coach does not have a coach. They're not practicing what they're preaching.

[00:05:41] interview your coach beforehand and be like, who do you learn from? it's this pride thing. No, I am the coach. you listen to me this is how you get results, but why are you not practicing what you preach? Why are you so afraid to continue And further your professional development.

[00:05:54] it's a no brainer. they have to follow what they teach themselves. the [00:06:00] exact same things they're telling you to do, are they doing it themselves? the last thing is Do they have the results to have what you want, but also have 10 X what you want.

[00:06:09] So again, for my, for myself personally if I'm in the real estate space and I want to buywe call them doors, same as units. if I want 10 doors I am not going to hire a coach who has 10 doors.

[00:06:19] I'm going to hire a coach who has a hundred doors. I personally look for coaches who have at least 10 X what I want because I know that they can get. back to where they are currently so much faster than [00:06:30] I am now,

[00:06:30] that makes perfect sense. I actually took a break from the program that Bryce and I are in because I'm prioritizing resources.

[00:06:38] when you're prioritizing those resources of your time of your energy and so on you do make that decision to step back. That being said, I'm Still, working with multiple coaches. the reason why it remains a priority that I work with someone into your point, someone who is advanced it helps me with congruency.

[00:06:54] And it also helps me when I'm working with a higher level client and They're [00:07:00] presenting an aspect of the situation that I had not experienced before. It's helpful for me to always have people that I can check with and that I can continue to learn from as well.

[00:07:10] I think about the tens of thousands of dollars I spend every single year on that very thing. And it's important. I think it's really important.

[00:07:17] Tell us a little bit about, where you're headed, you're focused on growing this fund and to recruiting.

[00:07:24] I don't know much about that type of business, but can you help me understand what is it that you're building [00:07:30] and like, how is coaching in some form supporting you achieving that much faster or with better results?

[00:07:37] Yeah. very good question. It's interesting because in the real estate space, I see a lot of people who there's a very natural, progression.

[00:07:45] So for example, when you say you're brand new, you want to get started in real estate. The first thing everybody does is buy a rental property because that's the end all be all like, Oh, I want this cashflow and this passive income So you do that, you buy a rental and then you get in the thick of it.

[00:07:58] And you're like, now I'm a [00:08:00] landlord and I have to deal with swapping out toilets and tenants who don't pay on time. So you're like, okay, I still want to be in real estate, but I want tomove into flips, which is exactly what I did.

[00:08:09] We went from rentals to flipping and then the next kind of natural progression or the next step is like a flipping is a pain. Cause I have to deal with contractors and delays and supply shortages So you're like what if I bought land instead, then you don't really have any supply shortages or contractors to deal with.

[00:08:23] And then you just, so there's just like this like natural pipeline that you go through. And I'm at the stage right now where I'm like. I [00:08:30] would rather skip all of those things. And I would rather teach people Hey, you can make way more money with way less headache by investing in the fund from the get go.

[00:08:38] But I was that person in the very beginning. I'm like, no, I want to do it myself. I want to learn how to do this. I want to learn how to, unclog a clogged toilet and all these things. And I'm just like, coaching has been so great because. I can tell people, no, that's not the right way. I can make you way more money without you having to do all of that stuff.

[00:08:55] And so that's my main focus I talked to a lot of people who are like, I have a [00:09:00] good amount of money. I don't really want to invest in the stock market, but I don't know what I want to do. I want to be in real estate, but I don't want to be a landlord I know I need to do something, but I don't know what to do.

[00:09:09] I'm your guy. let's work together. Let's make you more money than you could have otherwise. the only reason that I know that is because I've had coaches, I've had mentors. I've skipped all those steps. let me save you the years of headache time nasty, tenants and clogged toilets.

[00:09:21] let's fast track you to get there.

[00:09:22] See, that's so valuable. And I really appreciate you walking us through that progression because the same thing happens in the coaching world. It's people [00:09:30] put this, I call it kindergarten brain, it's like you start out, Oh, I'm a bad kid.

[00:09:33] when you're working with me, you're not allowed to call yourself a baby coach, they put like these artificial, when I do this much coaching for free, then I get to charge for it. And then I'm going to charge a little bit for it. And then when I do lots of that, then I'm going to charge more and more.

[00:09:47] And I'm like, yes, that's just not how it has to work. you can do it that way. And it'll take you three years to get to your first high ticket client

[00:09:58] Yes.

[00:09:59] [00:10:00] Or, you can resequence your steps and recognize that no one has these preconceived ideas that you do that you're such a beginner.

[00:10:07] you have a lot of valuable, expertise that can be used and you can do a higher ticket package and sell it inside of two weeks if you want to. But people put themselves on this artificial timeline or this artificial progression that, it's rumor mill based more so than it is like strategic or thoughtfull.

[00:10:26] We can't get out of our own way, cause a we don't know what we don't know, [00:10:30] but a coach is going to help you to do that. for example I once worked with a coach and like at the time I was planning on building like this. This paid community. I want to have a big paid community where I can help people in real estate

[00:10:40] So I set up a landing page and then I'm going to set up a funnel that funnels them into a free community. And then eventually like they'll gain trust and then they're going to move into a paid premium community. And then from there they'll work up and they'll get like one on one mentoring, coaching with me.

[00:10:53] And you don't, my coach studies it's horseshit. Stop it. There is no there. what you're trying to do ultimately is take a person from [00:11:00] a to B, but you have all these fences and hurdles that they have to jump through.

[00:11:03] Get rid of them. And intuitively, of course, it sounds so simple. Of course I would just funnel them into the thing that I want, but I didn't know what I didn't know. And now that I know not to do that. I know better, a lot of people would be like, okay, I need to gain that trust.

[00:11:13] I need to do this. They have to follow all these steps. And then finally they'll get here. But you can sidestep all that,

[00:11:19] I really love that. You're bringing this up, particularly around funnels and complexity, cause that definitely plagues. I have such a love, hate relationship with that.

[00:11:28] I've learned so [00:11:30] much. His books are outstanding. You should definitely get them. If you haven't dear listener, his genius is really convincing you to think this way. But to your point, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

[00:11:44] And when I learned that. coaching is a relationship and it's this ability to see the symbiosis or the quid pro quo that would allow the spark of an initial relationship. And yeah, you can manufacture that at a [00:12:00] multi million views social media level for a very generalist product or you can just talk to people.

[00:12:06] Cool.

[00:12:07] It's that simple. It really is.

[00:12:08] I'm just thinking about, like Bryce, you got onto this podcast and it's why? And it's because we just introduced each other and it's Hey, I'm doing a thing or do you want to do it? And you're like, yeah, the thing

[00:12:16] it's organic.

[00:12:17] It's not staged. It's not forced. you're just having a conversation. a lot of people are like, Oh no, I don't want to be salesy. okay, so don't be salesy, just be a human being. are you here to help people or not? Do you have something that could use?

[00:12:27] Do you have value? Give it to them. And they can [00:12:30] provide you compensation and that's it. It's a simple exchange. you don't have to be a scumbag car salesman, just be a genuine human being. That's it.

[00:12:38] Exactly. I love that. I love that so much. Bryce, thank you

[00:12:41] Like what if people are really interested in learning more about real estate financing and all of the things that you do What is the best way for them to track you down?

[00:12:51] Yeah probably Instagram. Just my first and last name at Bryce Matheson. I think that's probably the easiest way.

[00:12:56] I'm most active on Instagram, but whether you're interested [00:13:00] in real estate or even if you just want help, running some numbers on your first property analysis or whatever it may be. happy to reach out and help in any way that I can.

[00:13:08] I love that.

[00:13:09] I've got a lot of entrepreneurial friends that hopefully you're listening and you'll go check Bryce out because once you've generated that revenue don't let it just sit there, Do something exciting. And I really love your your perspective of Hey, I want to get into real estate, but I like, maybe don't want to do anything regarding toilets.

[00:13:26] So go check out that way with Bryce. Thank you so much for your time today [00:13:30] listener. Don't forget to hit subscribe and leave us a five star review because it helps people find this episode and episodes like it that will inspire coaches to bring their best

[00:13:40] We'll see you soon.

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Amanda Kaufman

Amanda is the founder of The Coach's Plaza, has generated over $2 million in revenue, primarily through co-created action coaching and courses. Her journey exemplifies the power of perseverance and authentic connection in the coaching and consulting world. With over 17 years of business consulting experience, Amanda Kaufman shifted her focus to transformative client relationships, overcoming personal challenges like social anxiety and body image issues. She rapidly built a successful entrepreneurial coaching company from a list of just eight names, quitting her corporate job in four months and retiring her husband within nine months.

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