The Amanda Kaufman Show

Adine and Amanda Podcast

Breaking Free: Aligning Money, Purpose, and Empowerment

February 03, 202530 min read

Breaking Free: Aligning Money, Purpose, and Empowerment

On a recent episode of The Amanda Kaufman Show, I had the privilege of chatting with Adine from MoneyMindAcademy. She’s a money mindset mentor from the Netherlands with an incredible mission: to help one million women achieve financial freedom. Our conversation was packed with valuable insights about the relationship between mindset, money, and empowerment, and I couldn’t wait to share the highlights with you.

The Journey to Financial Empowerment

Adine’s story is one so many of us can relate to. She started her career as a successful entrepreneur running an advertising and communication agency. But despite her success, she realized she was unfulfilled. “At first, I loved the growth and success,” she told me. “But eventually, the work felt empty, and I wasn’t motivated by the money anymore.”

That really resonated with me because, like many of us, I’ve been on that treadmill of achievement without alignment. It’s so easy to follow the playbook society hands us—check all the boxes for “success” only to feel frustrated or empty when we get there. For Adine, that realization pushed her to pivot into coaching, a decision deeply shaped by her own financial journey and challenges.

What struck me most was how personal her mission is. Adine shared that being in a toxic relationship and having financial independence was what allowed her to leave. “A lot of women don’t have that option because they don’t understand money or don’t have the resources to support themselves,” she said. That’s why she’s so passionate about empowering women to take control of their finances.

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

One of the things Adine talked about that really stuck with me is how our money stories shape our reality. So many of the beliefs we have about money—whether it’s about scarcity, abundance, or worthiness—are formed in childhood. “Most people aren’t even aware they have these stories,” Adine explained.

She uses tools like money archetypes to help her clients uncover these hidden narratives. This approach is all about identifying both the strengths and challenges we’ve internalized about money. “It’s empowering to recognize where you’re stuck, but also to celebrate the strengths you may not realize you have,” Adine said.

I love this idea of uncovering the stories that shape our decisions. It’s such a crucial first step to rewriting them and creating a healthier relationship with money.

From Scarcity to Abundance

Adine’s journey wasn’t just about getting out of a financial bind—it was about changing her entire mindset. Even after she solved her practical money problems, she realized something was still missing. “I had money in my account, but I still felt constricted,” she said.

This was another moment that hit home for me. So many of us think financial freedom is just about having enough money. But Adine reminded me that true freedom comes from feeling abundant, aligned, and empowered to make choices for your life.

Bridging Mindset and Action

As a coach myself, I really appreciated how Adine combines mindset work with actionable strategies. She emphasized that empowerment isn’t just about thinking differently—it’s about doing differently.

Here are a few steps she shared:

  1. Identify Your Money Stories: What are the unconscious beliefs you have about money, and how are they holding you back?

  2. Take Action: Shift your habits, whether it’s learning better sales skills, managing your budget, or building a business aligned with your values.

  3. Build a Sustainable Life: Focus on long-term growth and balance rather than quick fixes.

For coaches and entrepreneurs, she stressed the importance of mastering sales skills. “I know it sounds icky, but sales are so important if you want to help people,” Adine said. And she’s right—sales aren’t about being pushy; they’re about building trust and inspiring people to take the next step toward their goals.

Starting with the Next Generation

One of the most exciting parts of our conversation was hearing about Adine’s work with children. She’s recently started teaching financial literacy in schools, which is such a game-changer. “Kids shouldn’t grow up trapped in a system that doesn’t work for today’s world,” she said.

I couldn’t agree more. Teaching kids about money early on sets them up for a lifetime of empowerment. And honestly, it’s something I wish had been part of my education growing up!

What This Means for You

As I reflected on our conversation, I was reminded of my own journey with money. There was a book I read years ago, The Feminine Mistake by Leslie Bennetts, that changed my entire perspective. It reinforced the idea that every woman needs to be financially independent—not because we’re planning for the worst, but because life is unpredictable.

Money isn’t just about dollars and cents; it’s about choices, power dynamics, and the ability to create a life you truly love. Whether you’re a coach, entrepreneur, or someone just trying to get a better handle on your finances, Adine’s wisdom is a powerful reminder to start where you are, uncover your money stories, and take action.

Closing Thoughts

If there’s one thing I hope you take away from this conversation, it’s that financial empowerment is within your reach. Whether it’s rethinking your money mindset, improving your skills, or taking that scary first step, you’ve got this.

I’m so grateful to Adine for sharing her story and her mission. And I’m thrilled to have had the chance to host her first international podcast appearance!

If you haven’t already, go listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts or watch it on YouTube. Trust me, it’s one you won’t want to miss.

And if this episode inspired you, share it with three of your friends. Empowering others starts with conversations like these!

Adine and Amanda Podcast


00:00 Introduction to Money Mindset Coaching
03:07 Adeen's Journey to Coaching
05:59 The Importance of Financial Education for Women
08:59 Empowerment Through Financial Independence
11:41 Coaching Techniques and Client Engagement
14:36 Future Goals and Impact on Education
17:29 Key Takeaways for Coaches and Conclusion

Full Transcript

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (00:00)

it's not just about your coaching skills. It's also, if you're a coach, you're usually an entrepreneur and that means you have to develop some sort of skills on that area.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (00:26)

Well, hello and welcome to the Amanda Kaufman show. And we are continuing our series on the coaches that don't suck. And today I am joined by my friend, Adeen with Money Mind Academy and Adeen, welcome to the show. I'm so glad you're here.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (00:27)

Well hello and welcome to the Amanda Kaufman show and we are continuing our series on the coaches that don't suck. And today I am joined by my friend Aideen with Money Mind Academy and Aideen welcome to the show. I'm so glad

you're here. Thanks. Thanks for having me. Amazing. So Aideen why don't you take 30 seconds and introduce yourself to our dear listener.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (00:48)

Amazing amazing. So Adeen, why don't you take 30 seconds and introduce yourself to our dear listener and

we'll dive into some great conversation today.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (00:55)

and we'll dive into some great conversation

today. Okay, well, I'm Odine. I'm from the Netherlands, which you might hear from my accent. I'm a money mindset mentor and I like to combine the more spiritual side of money and the energetic side of money with practical application because, well, you can't sit on your yoga mat waiting for feathers to fall down, but you also can't force it. So it's the combination.

And my mission, that's maybe a nice one. I have a mission to help 1 million women become financially free. That's very important to me.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (01:21)

love this. are

I love that. That's a fantastic mission. These are a few of my favorite things. mean, money, mindset, spirituality, like let's go. Let's talk about this. So, Adeen, before we went live with the episode, you were telling me that you yourself have made a pivot in your career to pursue your coaching company. So I'm so curious, like what's led you to wanting...

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (01:31)

Fantastic mission. These are a few of my favorite things. I mean money, mindset, spirituality, like let's go. Let's talk about this. So, Adeen, before we went live with the episode, you were telling me that you yourself have made a pivot in your career to pursue your coaching company. So I'm so curious, like what's led you to wanting...

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (01:55)

not just wanting to, but what's led you to the service of helping a million women become financially free? Like, what's the story there?

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (01:55)

not just wanting to, but what's led you to the service of helping a million women become financially free? Like what's the story

there? Well, I used to have more of an advertising communication agency. I've always been an entrepreneur. I don't know how I would have to work for a boss. So I started out as an entrepreneur and I still am. But at a certain point I noticed that even though I didn't have like one boss, had like

20 bosses who were kind of bossing me around and I was working very hard. Well, maybe, maybe your listeners know it as well. Work hard, not get paid a lot of money. No vacations, no rest. Going on, going on, going on. And I didn't feel any purpose. I didn't feel fulfilled. I didn't feel like what I did really mattered. And

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (02:43)


Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (02:44)

At the beginning, that was fine because I was making money and I loved like growing in entrepreneurship. But after a few years, it didn't feel so good anymore. I wasn't motivated by the money anymore. And well, if you're always working, then there's not really a lot of room for growth. And that's something I noticed that I really needed.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (03:06)

I love that. It's so so fun because, you know, I'm now in Texas, I'm Canadian. You're halfway around the world over in the Netherlands. And it's like the same story, though, you know, of being in this achievement kind of pathway of, yeah, I mean, I'm getting clients, I'm doing work, you know, I'm getting paid and maybe even really reasonably. But if your whole life is not integrated with that vision for yourself.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (03:07)

It's so fun because I'm now in Texas, I'm Canadian, you're halfway around the world over in the Netherlands. And it's like the same story though, of being in this achievement kind of pathway of, yeah, I'm getting clients, I'm doing work, I'm getting paid, maybe even really reasonably. But if your whole life is not integrated with that vision

for yourself,

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (03:34)

You know,

I still remember sitting in a seminar and hearing the seminar leader, was Brendan Burchard, say like, being an achievement without alignment. And I was like, that's it, that's it right there, right? Because I think there's a lot of societal conventions of what success actually looks like. And I call this like living by the playbook. You know, you've got the playbook that society handed you of like, well, here's the checklist of the things that you have to do to be successful. And then you do all those things.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (03:35)

You know, I still remember sitting in a seminar and hearing the seminar leader, his friend, Breshard, say, like, be an achievement without alignment. And I was like, that's it. That's it right there, right? Because I think there's a lot of societal conventions of what success actually looks like. And I call this like living by the playbook. You know, you've got the playbook that society handed you of like, well, here's the checklist of the things that you have to do to be successful. And then you do all those things.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (04:03)


Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (04:04)

and find an emptiness or even a frustration on the other side of that. So you decided to pivot into coaching. Yeah. You coaching is a really big world. There's a lot of ways you could do that. And you did have a bit of an advantage walking in because you have so much entrepreneurial experience. So what told you money coaching? Why that

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (04:04)

find an emptiness or even a frustration on the other side of that. So you decided to pivot into coaching. know, coaching is a really big world. There's a lot of ways you could do that. And you did have a bit of an advantage walking in because you have so much entrepreneurial experience. So what told you money coaching? Like why that mission?

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (04:29)


Well, it actually started out when I was still doing my other work and I, well, I think it's kind of universal. We had the credit crisis, the whole Lehman Brothers, everything around the world with the money. And at that time, I think it was 2010, it really hit my client. So one client stopped with all the work that I was getting. One completely went bankrupt and one just quit his business.

And that meant then that within one summer, lost 80 % of my turnover just in one go. At the time when I just bought a new house that needed a lot of renovation. So I needed a lot of money and suddenly the money was gone because it was exactly as you said, I had it all. had a great house, enough money, no time to spend it, but the money was there. But I just had to do a lot for it. So I found myself in a situation where

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (05:08)


Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (05:23)

I really had to pay attention to my money and I thought I always did the smart thing with money. And then it turned out that with my mortgage and some other things, I hadn't been as smart as I thought. So it started out as my own experience. So I learned a lot about practical money, about the mortgage I signed, about how to get rid of it or at least lower it. And I took all the steps and at a certain point the money was fine again.

And I still felt very constricted and I thought, well, it should be okay now because I had a problem, I solved the problem and why does it still feel shitty? And that was when I found out more about the mindset part. It's not just about having the money in your account, but it's also, can I feel it? Do I have like a scarcity feeling or more of an abundance feeling? And I was really tuned into the scarcity feeling.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (05:59)


Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (06:15)

So it started out as more of an experience for myself, a learning for myself. And at a certain point I noticed that a lot of women, especially in the Netherlands, I'm not sure if it's the same around the world, but in the Netherlands, a lot of women don't know a lot about money. They feel like the man has to to take care of it. And they also tend to undervalue themselves and

not make arrangements for themselves. Well, we have a very high rate of divorce, for example. So if you look at the society as a whole, it's kind of dangerous for women not to know a thing or two about money and to have a little money. for me, it's like, I hope it makes sense to the listener because I'm always having like different trains of thought,

It was my own experience and combined with in background, I was in a very toxic relationship, but I always made my own money. So I always felt like, it's not the situation I want to be in, but I am in it and I'm glad I have the money. So if the shit really hits the fan, I can get out and I can support myself. And while the shit hit the fan, so I got out and I was able to support myself. But in that process, I noticed that a lot of women had didn't have the money, but a lot of women also.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (07:31)


Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (07:36)

were in a similar situation without knowing how to get out. So it's like a gigantic pile of stuff that led me on this path.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (07:43)

my God.

It's a huge

issue and I just want to validate for you, know, women and money being like money and money education mindset is for sure a global problem. Like that's something that, you know, yes, I'm sure you are experiencing it in the Netherlands, but it is a global challenge for sure. And...

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (07:52)

and money being like money and


Like that's something that, yes, I'm sure you are experiencing it in the Netherlands, but it is a global challenge for sure. And

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (08:15)

Gosh, you're really making me think about my own journey with money. There was a book that I read and it changed my life and it's called The Feminine Mistake. So there was that feminist book, The Feminine Mystique.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (08:15)

gosh, you're really making me think about my own journey with money. There was a book that I read and it changed my life and it's called The Feminine Mistake. So there was that feminist book, The Feminine Mistake.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (08:30)

It's The Feminine Mistake by Leslie Bennett. And I still remember reading that book and it was just, you know how like universe just brings you things right on time. So I came across that book right around

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (08:30)

It's the Feminine Mistake by Leslie Bennett. And I still remember reading that book and it was just, you know how like universe just brings you things right on time? Yeah. So I came across that book right around

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (08:44)

when I was on my baby moon, which is like a honeymoon, but it's like before your child arrives for my first biological child and my third kiddo. And that book raised the exact thing you just said,

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (08:44)

when I was on my baby mood, which is like a honeymoon, but it's like before your child arrives for my first biological child and my third kiddo. And that book reads the exact thing you just said.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (08:59)

which is that a lot of women just don't point their attention towards learning how money works, how money is made, how money is accumulated.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (08:59)

said, which is that women just don't point their attention towards learning how money works, how money is made, how money is accumulated,

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (09:13)

how to grow your money and it's deferred. And what I really appreciated about that book that just sort of like shook me, you my husband is a stay at home husband, basically.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (09:13)

how to grow your money, and it's deferred. And what I really appreciated about that book that just sort of like shook me, you my husband is a stay at home husband, basically. Love that.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (09:26)

But he's still, you know, aware of like how money is made, how it's accumulated, how it flows. But we had this conversation, you know, at that point, was over 10 years ago, around how important it is for me, Amanda.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (09:26)

But he's still aware of how money is made, how it's accumulated, how it flows. But we had this conversation at that point, was over 10 years ago, around how important it is for me and Amanda

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (09:41)

to be financially independent, not because Chris doesn't love me, not because we're planning on a divorce, we are not, but because we actually really don't know what could happen. He

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (09:41)

to be financially independent, not because Chris doesn't love me, not because we're planning on a divorce, we are not, but because we actually really don't know what could happen.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (09:55)

was just telling me an unfortunate story about a friend who had, she lost her husband with a widow heart attack, just like one day he was gone. And there's these things that happen.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (09:56)

You know, he was just telling me an unfortunate story about a friend who, you know, had, lost her husband with the, with a widow heart attack, you know, just like one day he was gone. And like, there's these things that happen

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (10:10)

called life, that money severely affects your capacity to handle the situation. And like it or not, there's power dynamics with money.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (10:11)

called life that money severely affects your capacity to handle the situation. Right. And, and, you know, like it or not, there's power dynamics with money.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (10:26)

When you actually have that empowerment, that self-empowerment to make a new choice because you have the resources to do so, that's a completely different quality of life.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (10:26)

When you actually have that empowerment, that self-empowerment, making a choice because you have the resources to do so, that's a completely different quality of

life. Yeah, I love how you say that. so, Adine, how do you work with your clients right now? What have you found to be the most helpful thing to help them forward?

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (10:39)

Yeah, so good. So yeah. And so, Adeen, how do you work with your clients right now? Like, have you found to be the most helpful thing to help them forward?

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (10:52)

Well, I've noticed that a lot of people have a lot of stories about money and those are the stories that are usually shaped in the first seven years of their lives. They act according to those stories, but they are not really aware of them having the stories. It's like the way you look at the world and well, I look at the world in a certain way and you do as well and we can talk about it and think we have the same outlook, but we don't because we have different stories.

So I always start out with what are the stories they are telling themselves about money. And I use a tool for that. I use the money archetypes for that. So it gives a peek into their unconsciousness and it offers both the stories that are helping, but also the challenges. it's, I feel it's kind of an empowering tool because it,

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (11:33)


Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (11:41)

confirms the points that maybe are not optimal, but it also gives you a certain advantages, certain strong suits with which you might take for granted and you think everyone has them or they're not that special, but they are and you can use them to improve your money flow. So I start out with that. Then I usually go to very practical side because you have to apply it. If you want to change your story, you have to notice when a story is coming up.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (12:01)


Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (12:09)

and you can take a different course of action. And it's usually most easy to do that in practical matters. So I mostly work with entrepreneurs because they can implement it in their business and it's for their own money mindset. But it's also like, how do you approach your clients? What do you do in your marketing materials? It shows up everywhere, which is very fun. And then I also...

Combine it with a little bit of human design because that's like your personal energy and it also influences how you work, what suits most in like, do you offer online courses or are you more the one-on-one person? That also is different. And I'm all about building a sustainable life that's just awesome. And that you can live until you're like a hundred and it's not just the little part, but it's

How can I create the best life for me? Yeah. And that's why you and I are now absolutely best friends.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (12:58)

And that's why, yeah, and that's why you and I are now absolutely best friends because, know, I think. No, but right. I feel the same way. Like, I think hustle culture

is killing us. You know, I think that I think that there's a lot of belief about the pain of making money, like making money is painful or, you know, having the responsibility attached to stewarding money is really painful.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (13:10)

You know, I think that there's a lot of belief about the pain of making money. Like making money is painful or, you know, having the responsibility attached to stewarding money is really painful.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (13:25)

And you know, one of the things that has come up for me too, as you're talking is like, I'm actually not a big human design person. Like, I'm not personally sold on that. However, however, I've seen

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (13:25)

And, you know, one of the things that has come up for me, too, is talking is like, I'm actually not big human design person. Like, I'm not personally sold on that. However, however.

I've seen a lot of people go through human design and feel the empowerment to make a decision. you know, making that decision, one of the things I know for sure is that success loves speed. It loves when you make a decision. It loves when

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (13:39)

a lot of people go through human design and feel the empowerment to make a decision. And you know, making that decision, one of the things I know for sure is that success loves speed. It loves when you make a decision. It loves when you

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (13:54)

you take action. It loves when you get out of sitting in the muck. And so one of the reasons why I would support somebody doing human design, if that's something that fascinates them, is it, to me, it doesn't really matter if it's...

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (13:55)

take action, it loves when you get out of sitting in the muck. And so one of the reasons why I would support somebody doing human design, if that's something that fascinates them, is it to me, it doesn't really matter if it's true per

se. But what can be true is your empowerment to make new decisions and to feel more conviction in what you're doing. And if you if you believe in human design, you should totally do it and test it out. And if you're not even sure you should still try it and test it. You know, I have my reasons for thinking the way that I do.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (14:08)

True, per se, but what can be true is your empowerment to make new decisions and to feel more conviction in what you're doing. And if you believe in human design, you should totally do it and test it out. And if you're not even sure, you should still try it and test it. I have my reasons for thinking the way that

I do, but what's true either way is that you need to be in a decisive role when it comes to money. How you arrive there, that's up to you.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (14:24)

But what's true either way is that you need to be in a decisive role when it comes to money. Like how you arrive there, that's up to you.

So good. So, Adeen, where are you going next? What are you doing to help more women and to achieve your mission of a million women supported?

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (14:36)

Yeah. So, so Aideen, where are you going next? Like what, what are you doing to help more women and to achieve your mission of a million women supporting?

Well, this, this international step is one step, of course, but in the Netherlands.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (14:53)

welcome to your first international podcast. Ladies and gentlemen,

I got her first, so now you know.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (15:01)


But one of the things I wanted to accomplish with the million women with like creating the wave is that the school system in the Netherlands and preferably around the world changes so that children learn about money at an early age and they don't get sucked into a system that doesn't really work in this world anymore. So I kind of got this year, I got a shortcut and I'm now also teaching children about money.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (15:15)


Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (15:24)

So I think that's one of the big steps because it's, well, it's a shortcut. And I, it's like what you said with human design. When I first encountered it, I come from a scientific background. I thought I'm going to prove this wrong. This is such bullshit. And, and then I dove into it and I noticed that it helped a lot of people. And it's, it's, it's what you said. It doesn't matter how you get somewhere. You just have to find the thing that will help you be decisive and take the steps. And it's.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (15:25)



It does.

That's it,

that's 1000%. I've been in the coaching space long enough to see a lot of different ways to find success. And human design is one of them. Enneagram is another one. I actually was trained as a core energy coach, so I got a little touch of the woo in there. But you're right. You just gotta find something that really works for you and you've gotta go for

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (15:54)

You know, because I've been in the coaching space long enough to see like...

to find success. And you were designed as one of them, Enneagram is another one. I actually was trained as a core energy coach, so I got a little touch of the woo in there. But you're right. You just have to find something that really works for you and you've got to go for

it. Yeah, and not use it as an excuse because that's what I see all the time. I have those stories, I have that design, I have this, I have that. Then it doesn't work, but you have to find what works for you and then go with it.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (16:23)


Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (16:27)

And yeah, for me, the next step now is to create the change from the bottom up, which I thought I had to go top down. But I'm just taking every chance I get along the way because I think it's very important that people start to be mindful about the money and not because it's, I want everyone to be a millionaire, which would be fine as well. I wouldn't object to that, but it's not about being rich. It's about being empowered to make choices for your own life because we only have one life.

And it's not even that long. it's, just,

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (16:56)

That's it. Well, and that's another thing, right? Like women

on average outlive their partners also, right? So you really do need to take like that responsibility to own that future. I love it. So Adeen, what are three things that you feel help a coach not to suck?

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (17:02)

their partners also. Yeah. So you really do need to take that responsibility to own that future. I love it. So, Adeen, what are three things that you feel help a coach not

Yeah. I think it's great to know that it's not just about your coaching skills. It's also, if you're a coach, you're usually an entrepreneur and that means you have to develop some sort of skills on that area.

And especially also, I know it sounds icky, but the sales part, it's very important. If you want to help people, you have to make the connection that they know that you can help them and that they feel inspired to be helped by you.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (17:29)



Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (17:42)

It's very important. think it's also very important to keep developing yourself, but also be mindful of how you put that into practice. So not just I'm learning all the time. I'm following every training and every course, but how can you implement it instead of just being like, maybe even affirming that you're not enough because you have to learn all the time. So I think it's great if you keep learning, but for every step,

How can I put this to use for my clients? How can I make them better by doing this? I think that's only two. What am I gonna do as my homework in my real life because I just learned those things? I love that. think hyper consumption is for sure also a global problem. Different topic for another podcast day. But Adeen, what's the best way for people to follow you? Well, I will be launching my

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (18:13)

Yeah, what am I gonna do as my homework in my real life because I just learned this thing. You know, I love that. I think hyper consumption is for sure like also a global problem. Different topic for another podcast day. But Adeen, what's the best way for people to follow you?

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (18:36)

English podcast channel very soon, which will be the Money Mind Mom podcast. So I think for the international people, it will be most interesting to check me out there. I hope.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (18:40)


Outstanding, outstanding, I love it. Well, we'll make sure to include links below with Adeen's social content and everything. And dear listener, don't forget to subscribe if this is your first time listening to the Amanda Kaufman show. We wouldn't want you to miss another one. And go ahead and leave a five star review. Adeen worked really, really hard today bringing her best. She's crossing the ocean for you and expanding, expanding. So I think she deserves, you know.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (19:01)

And go ahead and leave a five star review. Adeen worked really, really hard today bringing her best. She's, you know, crossing the ocean for you and expanding, expanding. So I think she deserves,

you know, all the stars, all the five star review. And that actually really helps people to find the episodes that are just like you and looking for that inspiration. And go ahead and forward this to three of your friends. You know, they, they really

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (19:16)

all the stars, all the five star review. And that actually really helps people to find the episode that are just like you and looking for that inspiration. And go ahead and forward this to three of your friends. They really do

need to hear that working on their money is important, owning it is important. There's lots of different ways to get to that ownership place with your finances. And yeah, thanks for listening, listener. And thanks for coming, Adeen. I really appreciate you.

Adine @ MoneyMindAcademy (19:30)

do need to hear that working on their money is important, owning it is important, there's lots of different ways to get to that ownership place with your finances. yeah, thanks for listening listener and thanks for coming, Dean, I really appreciate

you. Thank you. Thank you, all right, we'll see you later, we'll see you in the next episode.

Amanda Kaufman @theamandakaufm (19:46)

Thank you. All right, we'll see you later. We'll see you in the next episode.

Amanda is the founder of The Coach's Plaza, has generated over $2 million in revenue, primarily through co-created action coaching and courses. Her journey exemplifies the power of perseverance and authentic connection in the coaching and consulting world. 

With over 17 years of business consulting experience, Amanda Kaufman shifted her focus to transformative client relationships, overcoming personal challenges like social anxiety and body image issues. She rapidly built a successful entrepreneurial coaching company from a list of just eight names, quitting her corporate job in four months and retiring her husband within nine months.

Amanda Kaufman

Amanda is the founder of The Coach's Plaza, has generated over $2 million in revenue, primarily through co-created action coaching and courses. Her journey exemplifies the power of perseverance and authentic connection in the coaching and consulting world. With over 17 years of business consulting experience, Amanda Kaufman shifted her focus to transformative client relationships, overcoming personal challenges like social anxiety and body image issues. She rapidly built a successful entrepreneurial coaching company from a list of just eight names, quitting her corporate job in four months and retiring her husband within nine months.

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